Phoenix Pharmacy 1922, Portland
Built by pharmacist John Leach in 1922, the Phoenix Pharmacy sat boarded up and unmaintained for decades. As an iconic local landmark, the community watched and hoped for a solution that wasn't demolition. In 2018 the property was purchased with the single goal of rescuing the Phoenix Pharmacy building from demise, restoring its past prominence and updating it to current standards while keeping its historical integrity. In May of 2022, exactly 100 years and 1 month to when John Leach initially opened the Phoenix Pharmacy, the newly restored doors were swung open once again, much to the delight of the public. This project shows the tenacity of a small team, led by years of sweat and hard work by the new owner, to realize a community vision as another prominent anchor in the re-birth of the Foster-Powell neighborhood.
Congratulations to the entire project team that made this project possible:
Versatile Wood Products
Emerick Architects
Foster the Phoenix LLC
SCE Structural Engineer
Vast Magic Hardwoods
Prosper Portland
Soto Drywall
Jan Carpentry
Pipeline Plumbing
Jacobs Heating
Flying Colors LLC