Caples House Museum 2021 DeMuro Spotlight Video

Caples House Museum (1870), Columbia City
Situated in the heart of Columbia City, overlooking the Columbia River, is the Caples House Museum. This two-story Classical Revival house, once home to community physician Dr. Caples, has been in the care of the Oregon State Society Daughters of the American Revolution since the late 1950s. In desperate need of a stable foundation and front porch restoration, a group of volunteers raised funds and planned for the preservation and rehabilitation of the Caples House for over 10 years. The result is a beautifully-restored community museum and events center. Photo credit: Beavercreek Nature Photography LLC
Congratulations to the entire project team that made this project possible:
Oregon State Society Daughters of the American Revolution
BK Engineers
City of St Helens
Columbia County, Planning & Building Dept
Columbia County Public Works
Fresh Paint
OXBO Mega Transport
Clackamas Electric
EC Stonework & Masonry LLC